3DFashion - Deformations

Deformations of 3D Print on Fabric

Sometimes, deformations appear on the top surface of the 3D print. They appear as sunken-in areas or breaks in the 3D print.

3D print deformations

Possible Causes and Solutions

Absorption of the Printing Materials into the Fabric

The printing material might be absorbed into the fabric in such a way that it causes deformities.

Solution 1: Print the Fabric Analyzer and follow instructions as described in the relevant best practice guide: Printing on Fabric with J850 Prime FabriX - EN PolyJet Best Practice and Printing on Fabric with J850 TechStyle - EN PolyJet Best Practice.

Solution 2: Print an adhesion layer that is thick enough to compensate for the absorption.

Green garment 3D printed on textile

Solution 3: Change the design to compensate for the absorption of the material into the fabric.

Preventive Measures: Use the Fabric Analyzer, Absorption test, with the selected fabric and printing material to estimate the adhesion layer thickness to compensate for the absorption issue.

Tray Height is Not Calibrated to Match the 3D Print

The accuracy of the tray height calibration (Z-Start) can cause quality issues such as deformities and breaks in the 3D print. This indicates that the Z-Start needs to be recalibrated to correct the tray height.

Quality test

Solution 1: Print the Fabric Analyzer and follow instructions as described in the relevant best practice guide: Printing on Fabric with J850 Prime FabriX - EN PolyJet Best Practice and Printing on Fabric with J850 TechStyle - EN PolyJet Best Practice.

Solution 2: Recalibrate the tray height (Z-Start).

Solution 3: Increase the adhesion layer thickness.

Preventive Measures: Use the Fabric Analyzer, Quality test, with the selected fabric and printing material to check the accuracy of the tray height calibration (Z-Start).