- PolyJet プリンタ(旧タイプ)
- Alaris30 V1
- Connex260
- Connex350/500
- Eden250
- Eden260
- Eden260V/VS
- Eden330
- Eden350
- Eden350V/500V
- J700 & J720 Dental
- J750/J735
- J750 Digital Anatomy
- Objet24/30 V2ファミリー
- Objet24/30 V3ファミリー
- Objet30 V5 Pro & Prime
- Objet260 Connex 1-2-3
- Objet260 Dental/Dental Selection
- Objet350/500 Connex 1-2-3
- Objet1000 Plus
- Stereolithography Materials
- Somos® 9120™
- Somos® BioClear™
- Somos® DMX SL™ 100
- Somos® Element™
- Somos® EvoLVe™ 128
- Somos® GP Plus™ 14122
- Somos® Momentum™
- Somos® NeXt™
- Somos® PerFORM™
- Somos® PerFORM Reflect™
- Somos® ProtoGen™ 18420
- Somos® ProtoTherm™ 12120
- Somos® Taurus™
- Somos® WaterClear® Ultra 10122
- Somos® WaterShed® AF
- Somos® WaterShed® Black
- Somos® WaterShed® XC 11122
J55 Prime

Stratasys J55 Prime 3Dプリンタを使用すると、同一の造形ジョブ内で、異なる材料でできたモデルを同じ造形トレイ上で製作するプロセスを合理化し、コストを削減できます。J55 Prime 3Dプリンタでは、設計段階で(CADソフトウェアを使用して)モデルのパーツに色を指定し、モデルをVRMLファイルとして保存して、目的の色でモデルを造形できます。
J55 Prime 3Dプリンタの造形サイズは、140 x 200 x 190 mm(5.5 x 7.8 x 7.5インチ)です。
- 50/60 Hz
- 100~240 VAC
- 10 A
- 650 W
- プリンタを設置する前に必要となります。
- http://[プリンタのIPアドレス]:80でご確認ください。
- 静的IPアドレス。
- デザインプロトタイプ
- 色
Digital ABS Plus - JA PolyJet Material Best Practice
JAPANESE | PolyJet Material Best Practice
DraftGrey for J55 - JA PolyJet Material Data Sheet
J5 Series Site Preparation Guide - Japanese
DOC-09054JA Rev. A
J55 - JA PolyJet Spec Sheet
PolyJet Site Preparation Checklist - Japanese
DOC-01863JA Rev. I
ProAero Air Extraction System for J55 - JA PolyJet Spec Sheet
Vero for J55 - JA PolyJet Material Data Sheet
Customer Notification - SUP710S New Edition
DOC-08662 Rev. B
Digital ABS Plus - EN PolyJet Material Best Practice
ENGLISH | PolyJet Material Best Practice | DOC-00733 Rev. F
Digital ABS Plus - JA PolyJet Material Best Practice
JAPANESE | PolyJet Material Best Practice
GrabCAD - JA Brochure
GrabCAD Shop Features - JA Brochure
J5 Series User Guide - Japanese
DOC-09270JA Rev. K
ProAero Air Extraction System Guide - Japanese
DOC-01003JA Rev. H
Create Connected Shop with GrabCAD - EN Brochure
Customer Notification - SUP710S New Edition
DOC-08662 Rev. B
Digital ABS Plus - EN PolyJet Material Best Practice
ENGLISH | PolyJet Material Best Practice | DOC-00733 Rev. F
Digital ABS Plus for J5-J35 - EN PolyJet Material Best Practice
ENGLISH | PolyJet Material Best Practice | DOC-09276 Rev. C
Beverage Packaging VeroUltra - JA PolyJet Use Case
JAPANESE | 飲料パッケージ|PolyJet|ユースケース | Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials in-house, designers were able to visualize an entire packaging design — bottle and label — in one physical model. The technology also made sharp detailing possible on elements such barcodes, QR codes and label text, which helped with the readability of the design. The VeroUltra materials also allowed designers to achieve bright colors and smooth gradients straight from the printer.
Car Key VeroUltra - JA PolyJet Use Case
JAPANESE | カーキー - VeroUltra|PolyJet|ユースケース | Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials, this full CMF car key prototype can be created as a single assembly in a single print. The VeroUltra colors allowed for multiple opacities as well as create a color match and sharp screen simulation that are true to the original design intent. Detailed graphics embedded into the 3D print file also produced buttons that mimic the sharpness and brightness of in-mold-labeling.
Google Jacquard - JA PolyJet Case Study
JAPANESE | Google社|PolyJet|ケーススタディ| Google's ATAP team utilized Stratasys PolyJet 3D printing technology to develop the Jacquard wearable platform, which integrates motion-sensitive tags into everyday items like jackets, shoes, and backpacks. PolyJet's versatility allowed for rapid prototyping of multi-material and multi-color components, reducing lead times from weeks to a single day. The technology enabled precise customization, such as replicating textures like leather or wood, while maintaining high fidelity and functional performance. This streamlined process saved significant time and costs during development while enhancing the design flexibility needed for innovative wearable devices that seamlessly blend into users' lifestyles.
PepsiCo 2L Bottle Redesign - JA PolyJet Case Study
Stratasys J55 3Dプリンターを使用して、PepsiCoが2リットルボトルのパッケージをどのようにリデザインしたのか.
Plastic Ladle VeroUltra - JA PolyJet Use Case
JAPANESE | プラ製のおたま|PolyJet|ユースケース | Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials, this multi-material ladle could be created in a single print in as many colors and simulated materials as needed. The VeroUltra materials allowed for high pigmentation and color matching to help designers validate the appearance of the final product. Additionally, the highly-realistic procedural wood texture — exported from Keyshot in a single step — creates a part with a lifelike wood appearance when printed.
Smart Home Device VeroUltra - JA PolyJet Use Case
JAPANESE | スマートホームデバイス|VeroUltra|PolyJet|ユースケース| Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials, designers were able to produce a prototype with high opacity that simulated the pigments used in the masterbatch while blocking the PCB lights from shining in undesired areas. Graphics were also easily incorporated into the 3D print file allowing designers to achieve a full CMF prototype in one streamlined step.
Toy Design VeroUltra J55 - JA PolyJet Use Case
JAPANESE | おもちゃデザイン|PolyJet|ユースケース | Using the PolyJet J55 technology in combination with materials such as the VeroUltra family of opaque color materials, the manual, multi-step design process was reduced to a single-step print. The J55 ability to get full-color, full texture, realistic functional parts early and often promote efficient stakeholder reviews and approvals while enabling decision makers to hold a true, quality prototype in their hands and impressing customers so that designs receive approval quickly and with greater confidence.
Beverage Packaging VeroUltra - EN PolyJet Use Case
ENGLISH | Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials in-house, designers were able to visualize an entire packaging design — bottle and label — in one physical model. The technology also made sharp detailing possible on elements such barcodes, QR codes and label text, which helped with the readability of the design. The VeroUltra materials also allowed designers to achieve bright colors and smooth gradients straight from the printer.
Car Key VeroUltra - EN PolyJet Use Case
ENGLISH | Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials, this full CMF car key prototype can be created as a single assembly in a single print. The VeroUltra colors allowed for multiple opacities as well as create a color match and sharp screen simulation that are true to the original design intent. Detailed graphics embedded into the 3D print file also produced buttons that mimic the sharpness and brightness of in-mold-labeling.
3D Printers Pattern Test J5 Series
In this comprehensive tutorial, learn the essential steps for printing and examining the pattern test on the J5 Series printer.

3D Printers Wiper Replacement J5 Series
In this comprehensive tutorial, learn the essential steps for replacing the wiper on the J5 Series printer.

Calibrating the Material Level in the Print Block - J5 Series Operation Procedures

Calibrating the Weight Sensors - J5 Series Operation Procedures

Calibrating Vacuum in the Printer - J5 Series Operation Procedures

Coating PolyJet Parts

Fabric CMF Appearance Simulation Training

Gluing PolyJet Parts

PolyJet用GrabCAD Printのビデオ
3D PolyJetプリンタでGrabCAD Printソフトウェアを使用する方法について説明します。

3D Printers Pattern Test J5 Series

3D Printers Wiper Replacement J5 Series