J826, J835, J850 & FabriX 키트

Stratasys J8 시리즈 3D 프린터를 사용하면 동일한 인쇄 작업 중 동일한 빌드 트레이에서 다양한 소재의 모델을 생산하는 프로세스를 간소화하고 절약할 수 있습니다. J8 시리즈 3D 프린터를 사용하면 설계 단계에서 모델 부품의 색상을 지정하고, 모델을 VRML 파일로 저장하고, 원하는 색상으로 모델을 인쇄할 수 있습니다.

Stratasys J826 Prime 3D 프린터의 빌드 영역은 255 x 252 x 200mm(10.0 x 9.9 x 7.8인치)입니다. Stratasys J835 3D 프린터의 빌드 영역은 350 x 350 x 200mm(13.8 x 13.8 x 7.8인치)입니다. Stratasys J850 Pro/Prime 3D 프린터의 빌드 영역은 490 x 390 x 200mm(19.3 x 15.35 x 7.9인치)입니다.

FabriX™ Innovation 키트 : Stratasys FabriX™ Innovation 키트를 실험하여 고급 도구 세트로 3D 프린팅 기능을 확장하십시오.
FabriX™ 혁신 키트는 J850 프라임 프린터에서 지원됩니다.

3DFashion 모범 사례 및 문제 해결 정보를 보려면 리소스 페이지로 이동하십시오. 3DFashion에 대해 자주 묻는 질문에 대한 답변을 찾으려면 FAQ 페이지로 이동하십시오.

    AC 전원 요구 사항

  • 100–120VAC, 50–60Hz, 13.5A, 단상
    220–240VAC, 50–60Hz, 7A, 단상

    LAN 요구 사항

  • 프린터를 설치하기 전에 필요합니다.
  • http://[프린터 IP 주소]:80에서 확인합니다.
  • 정적 IP 주소.

Beverage Packaging VeroUltra - KO PolyJet Use Case

KOREAN | Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials in-house, designers were able to visualize an entire packaging design — bottle and label — in one physical model. The technology also made sharp detailing possible on elements such barcodes, QR codes and label text, which helped with the readability of the design. The VeroUltra materials also allowed designers to achieve bright colors and smooth gradients straight from the printer.

18 Dec 2021 | 969.76 KB | pdf

Car Key VeroUltra - KO PolyJet Use Case

KOREAN | Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials, this full CMF car key prototype can be created as a single assembly in a single print. The VeroUltra colors allowed for multiple opacities as well as create a color match and sharp screen simulation that are true to the original design intent. Detailed graphics embedded into the 3D print file also produced buttons that mimic the sharpness and brightness of in-mold-labeling.

22 Dec 2021 | 819.05 KB | pdf

Google Jacquard - KO PolyJet Case Study

KOREAN | Google's ATAP team utilized Stratasys PolyJet 3D printing technology to develop the Jacquard wearable platform, which integrates motion-sensitive tags into everyday items like jackets, shoes, and backpacks. PolyJet's versatility allowed for rapid prototyping of multi-material and multi-color components, reducing lead times from weeks to a single day. The technology enabled precise customization, such as replicating textures like leather or wood, while maintaining high fidelity and functional performance. This streamlined process saved significant time and costs during development while enhancing the design flexibility needed for innovative wearable devices that seamlessly blend into users' lifestyles.

22 Dec 2021 | 7.07 MB | pdf

Innodesign - KO PolyJet Case Study

KOREAN| Innodesign from Monochrome to Photorealism - PolyJet Case Study

9 Sep 2020 | 971.36 KB | pdf

iRobot Automated Innovation with SUP706 - KO PolyJet Case Study

iRobot builds prototypes faster and reduces time and labor, using PolyJet SUP706 support material.

26 Sep 2021 | 12.87 MB | pdf

Italdesign Making the Impossible Possible - KO PolyJet Case Study


18 Dec 2021 | 4.86 MB | pdf

Plastic Ladle VeroUltra - KO PolyJet Use Case

KOREAN | Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials, this multi-material ladle could be created in a single print in as many colors and simulated materials as needed. The VeroUltra materials allowed for high pigmentation and color matching to help designers validate the appearance of the final product. Additionally, the highly-realistic procedural wood texture — exported from Keyshot in a single step — creates a part with a lifelike wood appearance when printed.

22 Dec 2021 | 1.19 MB | pdf

Quadpack - KO PolyJet Case Study

KOREAN| Founded in 2003, Quadpack is a global manufacturer of packaging solutions to the beauty industry. One of Quadpack's long-term business goals is to increase innovation through enhanced research and development. Coupled with this is the goal to increase time to market for its clients. To achieve these goals, the company recently expanded its design team to create the Design and Advanced Technologies department.

21 Jan 2020 | 2.11 MB | pdf

Smart Home Device VeroUltra - KO PolyJet Use Case

KOREAN | Using PolyJet VeroUltra family of opaque color materials, designers were able to produce a prototype with high opacity that simulated the pigments used in the masterbatch while blocking the PCB lights from shining in undesired areas. Graphics were also easily incorporated into the 3D print file allowing designers to achieve a full CMF prototype in one streamlined step.

22 Dec 2021 | 629.87 KB | pdf

3DFashion Technology - Printing on Netting Fabric

Learn how to print on netting fabric using 3DFashion technology on J850 TechStyle and J850 Prime FabriX printers.

8 Jan 2023 | Video
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Advanced Model Settings GrabCAD Print for PolyJet Technology

Learn how to use some advanced GrabCAD Print Model Settings, such as Base & Core, Finish, and Support options.

25 Jul 2023 | Video
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Agilus30 Colors - How to Work with PolyJet Material (EN)

1 Jun 2022 | Video
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Arranging the Build Tray GrabCAD Print for PolyJet Technology

Learn how to organize models on the build tray using the Arrange tab in GrabCAD Print. Also learn when to use Optimize, Arrange this Tray, and Arrange Projects options.

25 Jul 2023 | Video
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Assigning Materials and Colors GrabCAD Print for PolyJet Technology

Learn how to use the Model Settings tab to assign model materials and colors in GrabCAD Print.

25 Jul 2023 | Video
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Block Rotation - PolyJet Printers

17 Aug 2021 | Video
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Calibrating the Tray Height (Z-Start) for Different Fabric Types J850 Prime FabriX

15 Sep 2022 | Video
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Coating PolyJet Parts

2 Jul 2020 | Video
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Connecting to Printers and Printer Templates GrabCAD Print for PolyJet Technology

Learn how to view connected printers, printer details, and printer templates in GrabCAD Print. Also learn about filtering the list of printers, for example, filter by name, status, or material used.

25 Jul 2023 | Video
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서비스 계약 제안

서비스 계약으로 3D 프린팅을 최적화하십시오 -
원활한 서포트, 가동 중지 시간 최소화.

지금 자세히 알아보세요!
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GrabCAD Print Features Overview - 3DFashion Technology
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Head Replacement - J7 and J8 Series

주요 사례 연구

GrabCAD 자습서